Tossing the Instructions

40 days until the DRCC 1/2 marathon and the long run mileage is starting to creep up. The first two 1/2s I ran I followed training plans religiously. The third 1/2 I trained for I followed a plan loosely but I also listened to when I thought my body needed an easy week or aContinue reading “Tossing the Instructions”


Remotes can not work without batteries. Planes can not fly without fuel. I can not run long distances without music. It is a fact of life. We’re talking anything over 5 miles and I have to have those earbuds in. Some runners wax philosophic about “centering themselves” and being able to “listen to their breathing andContinue reading “Songspiration”

Training Programs

Just like that, the holidays are over, the new year has started, and it’s 1/2 marathon training time again! Even though this is my third time around, the task of selecting a training program has not gotten any easier. Every organization and expert firmly believes that they have the best method and preaches that the otherContinue reading “Training Programs”