Tossing the Instructions

40 days until the DRCC 1/2 marathon and the long run mileage is starting to creep up. The first two 1/2s I ran I followed training plans religiously. The third 1/2 I trained for I followed a plan loosely but I also listened to when I thought my body needed an easy week or aContinue reading “Tossing the Instructions”

Walls of A Home

Isn’t it funny how the walls around you in a way shape you? They can define where you may be in your life not only geographically, but professionally, mentally and physically. They can also be a statement of your personality or beliefs. Contemporary vs. traditional,  lake cottage vs. city penthouse, energy efficient vs. Captain Planet’s worst nightmare.Continue reading “Walls of A Home”

40 Hours on the Ground

This past Saturday held a big work event – the second annual Women’s Expo – which I had been planning with four committee members since September. This past Sunday was my sister’s college graduation. After all of the expo planning and a lot of the day-of details riding on my shoulders, I knew could not miss the event.Continue reading “40 Hours on the Ground”

A Reminder for the Weary

I have been traveling on the weekends and busting tail at the 8-5 (plus some evenings and weekends) and then making and delivering cupcakes during random hours of the morning and night. Trying to fit in athletic leagues and working out and time with family or friends. The usual staying on top of laundry, house tidying up,Continue reading “A Reminder for the Weary”

Hanging up the Apron

It was one year ago that Levi, Gunner, and I hopped in the car and started the drive from Springfield, IL to Aberdeen, SD to find somewhere to live. We weren’t sure what to expect but we knew there was a promise of a new adventure ahead of us. There was still snow on theContinue reading “Hanging up the Apron”

An Adjustment

It’s happened. The walls have closed in. We can’t make it anywhere without seeing someone we know. The grocery store. The home improvement store. Out to eat. A concert. The doctor’s office. The gym. Throw work and church into the mix – where you expect to see people you know – and just about allContinue reading “An Adjustment”

Put away the yardstick

Women do a pretty good job of putting on an outward show of being a unified front. Ever since the Spice Girls in my elementary school days its been all “Girl Power” and “Condoleezza Rice” and “Lean In”. Don’t get me wrong, these have all  been wonderful movements in continuing to advance women’s opportunities (someContinue reading “Put away the yardstick”